Recurse Center Week 2: Thu Jan 11
Attended the first presentations of the batch. Learned about a bunch of things I had never heard of!
- Zach Ahn (Safari web extension)
- Quinten (Rust raycaster)
- Roger (How transformers work)
- Pietro (Nim)
- Thomas (XML Chaos to Nix Clarity)
- Jeff (Memory card creator)
- Julian (Owntracks — walking tracker, distance and elevation)
Random interesting things I took away from them:
- Transformer ML architecture led to breakthroughs in language translation. (Roger)
- Really like Roger's inclusion of takeaway lessons, hope to steal sometime.
- Bret Victor was the one who first conceived of Explorable Explanations. (Pietro)
- Jeff's reflections on pixiereport include a list of "learning edges" which is awesome, also hope to steal.
- Elevation tracker: best not to use phone position (too inaccurate), rather use lat and long to lookup on elevation table — lots of cool libraries for this. (Julian)
Worked some more on containerizing Synthia.
- A victory of focus: was tempted to completely overhaul the project's file structure, but I resisted. 💪🏻